One more year, other trails. With a huge thank you to those who help organise cultural programs and to the many authors who come together both to share passions and to increase the visibility of several works. Writing truly isn’t the absolutely lonely and secluded activity people generally proclaim.
À conversa com… Inês Botelho
Filomena G. – from The Lady in the Black Dress blog – interviewed me in March for a small section where I ended up talking about literature and economy and Marie Curie.
Haverá trilhos: Futuros pretéritos
After an atypical year, Revista Bang! started 2021 a bit late but back to its biannual frequency. Number 29 was published in April, as always featuring a variety of articles about the fantastic’s many aspects. My column finally stepped fully into the Star Wars universe. [Non-fiction]
Contacto: “Ficção no Feminino”
Ever since 2018, Imaginauta presents the science fiction and fantasy literary festival Contacto. In 2021 it took place during July and, with the pandemic still reigning, most of the program happened online, originating some long-distance reunions. During other events I had already debated with Madalena Santos the issues surrounding the feminine representations within the fantastic, but this was the first time we did so online. Spurred on by Inês Montenegro‘s questions and chairing, we tackled several of the theme’s different aspects – some specific to fantasy and science fiction, many relevant to the arts at large. The sessions from the first day as well as those of the second are all available on YouTube.
Dias Úteis – Episódio 118: “Rota do Vento” de Leonor de Almeida
The group Associação de Ideias devises a variety of cultural projects and on 2021’s World Poetry Day it launched the Dias Úteis podcast. It’s a few minutes of poetry early each weekday’s morning, and sometimes in the afternoons too. During Summer, a series was created evoking various places. Answering the pleasant invitation to record a reading, I chose “Rota do Vento” by Leonor de Almeida (1909-1983). The poem was published in 1947 as part of the book Caminhos Frios. Today it can be found in Na curva escura dos cardos do tempo (2020), a new volume gathering all her poems. Alongside this collected poetry, Tatuagens de Luz (2020) – Cláudia Clemente‘s research on Leonor de Almeida’s life and work – was also published. [Press – Radio and television]
In September I created an instagram account. The facebook page is chiefly to share professional news and on goodreads I prefer more detached reviews. For instagram, though, is books, books, a lot of books, plus some films and series and CDs and a couple of articles, all with a far more personal approach.
Haverá trilhos: Espelhos nossos
Right at the end of October, Revista Bang! issued its 30th number and arrived with a different look. The new style makes for a cleaner design while also helping to highlight the contents’ vast diversity. In my column, I looked at how women are being depicted in the big cinema and television productions of late. [Non-fiction]
BANGCAST #11: As primeiras autoras do fantástico
Hosted by Luís Corte Real and with Bruno Martins Soares and Luís Filipe Silva as resident guests, BANGCAST premiered in August 2021 as a podcast expansion of the Revista Bang! magazine itself: knowingly and appreciatively approaching the multiple worlds of fantasy and science fiction from several points of view. For episode 11, I joined the team to discuss how the first female writers of fantastic literature had a significant role not only in establishing the genre but also in defining it, starting with fairy tales and continuing with gothic stories (which were first influenced by fairy tales and later influenced them). The audio-only version can be listen to on apple podcasts, spotify, google podcasts, or any other podcast platform. [Press – Radio and television]
Revista InComunidade – Novembro: “Ouve”
The online magazine InComunidade has short stories, poems, reviews, think pieces, and on its November 2021 issue it also re-published my short story “Ouve”. I wrote it as part of the 2017 edition of Chaves literary festival Ponte Escrita – Encontro Luso-Galaico de Escritores and it was originally published in Km 0 (2018), the ensuing short story collection printed by Chaves City Hall and edited by Sílvia Alves and Altino Rio. The text appearing on InComunidade is a revised version. [Fiction – Short stories]