Haverá trilhos: Outras vozes se alevantam
Revista Bang! 31 (2022)

Opinion piece regarding the rewriting of myths and historical figures, its frequency throughout the times, some recent book examples, and how it aids in developing a more encompassing perception of History.

Haverá trilhos: Espelhos nossos
Revista Bang! 30 (2021)

Opinion piece addressing the representation of women in major film and television productions while also recalling the work of often forgotten female creators.

Haverá trilhos: Futuros pretéritos
Revista Bang! 29 (2021)

Opinion piece pondering the narratives and politics present in the Star Wars saga as well as in the films and television series surrounding it.

Tale as new as time: manifestations of “Beauty and the Beast” and “Bluebeard” in Jordan Peele’s Get Out
Literature and the Arts since the 1960s: Protest, Identity and the Imagination
(Jorge Almeida e Pinho and Márcia Lemos ed., 2020)

Paper investigating how Jordan Peele’s Get Out becomes a new version of “Beauty and the Beast” as well as “Bluebeard”, following the long tradition of fairy tales with political purposes and serving the most compelling of the three animal-groom films premiered in 2017.

Haverá trilhos: Por universos muito navegados
Revista Bang! 28 (2020)

Opinion piece on the apparently current tendency to return to fictional worlds already explored in previous works, weather by weaving new adaptations or spinning prequels and sequels, signalling some of the historical frequency of these revisitations and further dwelling on several recent literary and audiovisual examples.

Preface: Leituras ao cardápio social
Herr Prosit Lê o Cardápio ou Hoje jejuamos (Luís Filipe Silva, 2020)

Preface to Luís Filipe Silva’s novelette Herr Prosit Lê o Cardápio ou Hoje jejuamos, composed as part of the project Alimentopia – Utopian Foodways, sketching a layout of his work, both as a writer and an active player in the Portuguese artistic scene linked to fantasy and science fiction, while also pointing some particular aspects of this narrative.

Preface: Um gosto a cosmos
Um Gosto a Céu no Lago do Breu (João Barreiros, 2020)

Preface to João Barreiros’ novella Um Gosto a Céu no Lago do Breu, written for the project Alimentopia – Utopian Foodways, providing a small introduction to the author’s characteristics, many of them present in this work of which some facets are equally highlighted.

Away, foul creature! But not too far.
The Portuguese Portal (2020)

Brief analysis of Alexander Herculano’s novella “A Dama Pé-de-Cabra: rimance de um jogral” [“Lady Goat-Foot: romance of a minstrel”], meant to present the core features of both text and author to an international audience.

Haverá trilhos: Velhas melodias, canções novas
Revista Bang! 27 (2019)

Opinion piece marking the 40th anniversary of Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber And Other Stories, at a time when the author’s The Sadeian Woman – An Exercise in Cultural History also celebrates forty years, further emphasizing the necessity to deconstruct and oppose the narratives built into societies.

Haverá trilhos: Sem deuses nem demónios
Revista Bang! 26 (2019)

Opinion piece on the fictional portrayals of science, starting with the response to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein; or the modern Prometheus, as well as the book’s connection to the 1814-1819 vitalist debate, and then moving to the representation of scientists on today’s film and television.

Palavras Correntes (2019)

Definition of the word “swash” fashioned to describe the literary festival Correntes d’Escritas and its experiences; part of a volume intended to serve as dictionary to this event.

Tempo de paz, tempo de assombros
Revista Bang! Online (2018)

Christmas article for the digital edition of Revista Bang! relating the Victorian custom of telling spooky stories during the last days of the year to traditions linked not only to the merry season but also to the winter solstice, and ending with a small reading list of five chilling tales and two short stories comprising scares of a different kind.

Haverá trilhos: A bela, o monstro, e as metamorfoses
Revista Bang! 25 (2018)

Opinion piece considering how tales under the “Beauty and the Beast” type are to a certain extent imbued not only in Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water and Jordan Peele’s Get Out, but also in Jeff VanderMeer’s book Annihilation and in the cinematic adaptation Alex Garland sprouted up from it.

Haverá trilhos: Anais do ontem e do amanhã
Revista Bang! 24 (2018)

Opinion piece about the first season of the television series The Handmaid’s Tale and the Patty Jenkins’ film Wonder Woman, viewed in the current sociopolitical milieu and accompanied by considerations about some other works by female authors.

Destroying and creating identity: vampires, vampirism and society in Angela Carter’s “The Scarlet House”
Dracula and the Gothic in Literature, Pop Culture and the Arts
(Isabel Ermida ed., 2016)

A close reading of Angela Carter’s “The Scarlet House” through the lens of the different forms of vampirism present in the tale.

Preface: Dar novos futuros ao mundo para que o mundo termine tarde
As primeiras quinze vidas de Harry August (Claire North, 2016)

Preface to the Portuguese edition of the science fiction novel The first fifteen lives of Harry August by Claire North, outlining some of the allure of this genre too often regarded with misguided contempt and judged mostly based on stereotypes and sweeping generalizations.

Review of Fashion Beast by Alan Moore
Revista Bang! 16 (2014)

Fashion Beast is not one of Moore’s masterpieces but it traverses some relevant themes, propelling conversations, becoming addictive. And it ends with the hint of something as unsettling as it is marvellous.”

Do Belo Monstruoso: representações de “A Bela e o Monstro” nos contos de Angela Carter “The Tiger’s Bride” e “The Company of Wolves”
Master’s dissertation, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (2013)

A study of the central presence and importance of “Beauty and the Beast” in five tales by Angela Carter – chiefly “The Tiger’s Bride” and “The Company of Wolves” but also pondering “The Courtship of Mr Lyon”, “The Werewolf”, and “Wolf-Alice” –, further positioning them within the folk and fairy tale tradition.

Espelho meu, espelho meu, há alguém que saiba quem sou eu?
Revista Bang! 14 (2013)

An article on how different forms of art have adopted and adapted the fairy tale “Snow White”.

From perfect housewife to rebellious princess: Snow White as portrayed by Disney and by Tarsem Singh
E-fabulations: e-journal of children’s literature (2012)

Comparative analysis of Disney’s Snow White, its prevailing influence, and the 2012 adaptation of the same fairy tale directed by Tarsem Singh.

Review of Lágrimas na Chuva by Rosa Montero
Revista Bang! 13 (2012)

Lágrimas na Chuva wastes some of its world potential but is still a well constructed science fiction novel driven by a captivating crime fiction plot. And amidst the pages turning a few doubts and concerns arise.”

Fringe – Gloriosamente na periferia
Revista Bang! 12 (2012)

An article about the science fiction television series Fringe up until the end of its third season.

Review of Para cima e não para norte by Patrícia Portela
Revista Bang! 12 (2012)

Para cima e não para norte brims with originality, merriment, delight, allowing several different interpretations and closing with a tinge of new beginnings.”

No Início e no Fim: Da Utopia, Eutopia e Distopia em Lord of the Flies e nas suas Adaptações Cinematográficas
E-topia: Revista Electrónica de Estudos sobre a Utopia (2012)

William Golding’s Lord of the Flies and its two film adaptations positioned within the field of utopian studies.

Review of Mythago Wood by Robert Holdstock
Revista Bang! 11 (2011)

Mythago Wood transpires Celtic mythology without being constricted by it, and even though the novel avoids the customary uses of such themes, it nonetheless has no intention of denying them, preferring instead to reinvent them. The effect is an original, surprising work, full of wonders and interest.”

Review of O Quarto dos Horrores by Angela Carter
Revista Bang! 10 (2011)

“Carter once wrote she enjoyed putting new wine in old bottles, especially when the pressure of the wine made the bottle explode. In The Bloody Chamber she foments such a rupture, the new wine splinters the old bottle and does the trick with the exact virtuosity of someone who admires the original and knows how to use it to create new voices, new stories, and charms of widespread reverberations.”

Review of Sonho Febril by George R. R. Martin
Revista Bang! 9 (2011)

“Martin never falters in destroying dreams or sacrificing characters, leading the narrative to paths not entirely happy but quite more plausible. The plot always manages to enthral, even though the first part clearly is the superior one. Martin controls the rhythm better in this first half, using the language to create an ambience indicative of the two opposing realities: Fevre Dream’s elegant luxury and the decadence of Julian’s plantation. The repetition of certain words further assists in establishing a context and an imagery, but all this disappears when the action starts to quicken in the second half. Regardless, Sonho Febril is an intelligent and captivating novel that shall endure in the reader’s imagination far longer than some of its recent successors.”

Review of A Simbólica do Espaço em O Senhor dos Anéis de J. R. R. Tolkien by Maria do Rosário Monteiro
Revista Bang! 9 (2011)

“Maria do Rosário Monteiro produced an essential work for any The Lord of the Rings’ active reader, for all Tolkien researchers, for everyone who deals with speculative fiction. And the ample bibliography presented allows this to be only the beginning of a vast journey.”

Entre a multiplicidade
Portal da Literatura (2010)

A piece on the strangeness of declining knowledge of scientific or cultural areas written for the Raízes section of website Portal da Literatura.

Review of O Leão de Oz by Gregory Maguire
Revista Bang! 8 (2010)

O Leão de Oz comes closer to Wicked’s dark charms but it still lacks some magic. Let us wait and see what happens on the promised fourth expedition to the lands of Oz.”